A Generation SC/Logos First Event Generation SC is a student organization composed of middle school, high school and college students working together to honor the Jewish people. In 2010 we joined Horn Lake Middle School to finish collecting the 1.5 million pennies in remembrance of the 1.5 million children who perished in the Holocaust. Over the past fourteen years Gen SC has continued to partner with the Unknown Child Foundation to raise funds for a memorial in which these pennies will be placed. (see our Generation SC page on this site)
Generation SC and Logos First are hosting their second annual women's event on SATURDAY, MARCH 29TH, 2025 at Pyramex Dining Hall 305 Keough Drive, Piperton, TN Tickets are $25 More details to follow. |
For more information about participating in Logos First Ministry, participating in Generation SC (Our Student Council organization open to middle, high school and college students), purchasing tickets for AN AFTERNOON WITH THE KING event, or purchasing Dinstuhl's chocolate pennies to support the Unknown Child Foundation, please send us the following information to hear from us very soon!
This ministry has been such a sweet blessing in my life. The Bible teaching, the ladies in my small group (who are now life long friends), our prayer time on Thursdays, and what my children receive, has been an incredible blessing. Words can't begin to express how this ministry has impacted my life, my parenting, my marriage, and most importantly, my walk with the LORD. Taking thoughts captive and renewing my mind, remembering who I am and where I'm seated, to walk worthy, to consider my ways, and just how holy our God is are just a small glimpse into what the LORD has taught me this year through our studies. Spending time in the Word daily and learning His Word for myself is an amazing journey that I'll never let end! MICHELE ELROD - mom of a seventh grader, fifth grader, third grader and two preschoolers |
What a blessing this ministry has been for me. When I first joined this year, it was really just for the opportunity my girls would have to enjoy taking the classes with others. I didn't expect much from the Bible study personally to be honest. To my great surprise, the LORD has used this study and the fellowship of other Christian women to lead me to a spiritual awakening. I never would have imagined how He would work on my heart and mind through this ministry. I am just one person but this ministry has been transforming me for God's glory, and has also been helpful to my husband as we have been discussing what I've learned. It has helped me draw nearer to God than I have felt able to in quite a while, and I am experiencing the joy of His presence again. ANGELA GRAZIANA - mom of an eleventh grader and a first grader |